Ready to lose weight from the inside out?

If you’ve been carrying the burden of not being able to shed unwanted pounds and are feeling weighed down by your inability to do so….read on.

If you are like most people who’ve attempted to lose weight before, you may have had some stort term success, but quickly found yourself putting the weight right back on and/or even gaining more than you started. Why is that? The reason most often is that making “outer” conscious changes to eat less, healthier, get more exercise, etc. without engaging the “inner” subconscious beliefs, triggers and childhood programming won’t have lasting power since your subconscious runs the show 95% of the time.

Creating change consciously will be difficult (and take much longer) than if the subconscious mind was on board as well. Let's say you want to lose some extra 10 lbs. you’ve been carrying. Your intention may be to lose weight but your subconscious will tell you (from past experience) that it's hard, you have no will power, you won't be able to do it and basically will prevent you from taking actions that will actually allow you to lose that weight. Or perhaps if you experienced past sexual trauma and you (if you are a woman) associate attention from men as being a threat to your safety. Your subconscious mind will make sure you have some extra padding to “keep you safe'“ and not draw too much attention to you by being what society considers more attractive.

An easy and fast way to get your subconscious aligned with your conscious intention is my S.E.T (Subconscious Energy Transformation) Method "Lose Weight From The Inside Out" 4 session package. Through my unique method combining PSYCH-K, Emotion code and Intuitive Coaching, in these 4 zoom sessions we will:

1) Discover if your subconscious is actually "ok" with you releasing this extra weight. And then release any trapped emotions which is keeping this belief active.

2) Find out if it is telling you it's "emotionally unsafe" to do so. Then transform the perception of the past event which created this energy.

3) Reprogram limiting beliefs with supportive and empowering ones.

4) Transform any stress triggers or past trauma which may be contributing to you keeping the weight on.

5) Create an aligned action plan to support these new beliefs.

You will be provided with a workbook with exercises (not “exercise”) and tips to assist you on this journey.

You will also have access to me via Voxer/Email in between our 4 sessions.

For the month of April, I am offering a special package rate of $749. Single session total value is $1000. Click the link before for more information or to sign up.